A Turing machine:

def. Turing Machine is a turing machine defined as a tuple:

where the previously unencountered symbols are:

  • : States
  • : Input Alphabet
  • : Tape Alphabet (superset of )
  • : Start state
  • : Set of en states
  • : Blank (also written as )
  • Configuration and transition of a TM is denoted:
  • Configuration:
    • In this case the head is reading the first symbol of , i.e. the right-side letter.
    • the ”” indicates a state transition
  • Transition function :
    • The configuration is denoted as

Turing Machines as Language Recognizers/Acceptors

def. Language of a turing machine. For turing machine with language , String if:

You can also think of it as the turing machine “halting” on the final state.

  • If TM halts on a final state, is accepted
  • If TM halts on a non-final state is not accepted
  • If TM doesn’t halt, is not accepted

Turing Machines as a Transducer (=Transformation on a language)

def. Turing-Computable. A function is Turing-Computable if:

Example of a Turing Machine representing a turing-computable function: Untitled

Turing Machine Building Blocks

  1. : run if is the current output ← you can also have multiple conditionals

You have the building blocks of commonly-used TMs.

  1. : start, : halt
  2. : write symbol onto tape
  3. : Move left, right
  4. : Move left or right until you see in tape ← make sure there is an on tape or it won’t halt
  5. Move left or right until you don’t see in input
  6. : symbols are represented as variable ← avoids having to write two identical machines for each symbol

Some more advanced building blocks:

  1. : Copy with a zero in the middle. e.g. . Tape head starts and ends in the beginning symbol.
  2. Shift left what is on the right, v.v. The symbol on the head is erased.

Example of using building blocks to simplify a turing machine:

Turing Machine Equivalents

  1. TM with Stay option:
  2. Multitrack TM: One tape, but split into cells:
    • Diagram Untitled
  3. Semi-infinite TM: The tape is infinite only in one direction → Proof by “folding over” the standard TM into multi-track.
  4. Multi-tape TM:
  5. Off-line TM: Two-tape; one tape is input, the other the read/write tape.
  6. Non-deterministic TM
    1. NPDA with 2 stacks

Universal Turing Machine

Every TM can be binary encoded by a binary number:


The Universal Turing Machine is a 3-tape turing machine that simulates a standard Turing Machine . Each of the tapes are:

  1. Tape A: Binary encoding of a simulation of
  2. Tape B: The tape of
  3. Tape C: ’s current state