Motivation. Consider the problem where speakers are playing separate songs, and mics are picking them up. Just from the mic’s signals, can you separate the songs playing at each speaker? (=Blind Source Separation problem)

def. Independent Component Analysis (ICA) Model. We have observed data and we want to extract ‘sources’ .


  • is the hypothetical, unobserved ‘mixing matrix’.
  • we assume any source components are independent of each other We want to find how to unmixing matrix which gets . Intiution. For this, we take advantage of the central limit theorem—the (weighted) summation of any distribution will tend to a normal distribution. In this case, the mixing matrix does a weighted summation of each source component , thus will the ‘more normal’ than multivariate . Method 1. Maximization of Negentropy. Gaussian distribution has the largest entropy. Thus we can see how far the distribution of is from gaussian and make it farther.

Method 2. Maximization of Kurtosis.