Sources §
Structure §
Construction of sexual spaces and identity in pre-modern history
point: Japan has spaces, US has identity
U.S. construction through law
Japan (edo period ← pre-modern precursor)
construction of 男色
Kabuki, etc.
Yue & Leung’s etymology suggest tradition vs society here , the western perspective. Mitsuhashi says it’s imported.
Reification of desire into a clash of spaces/identity
Queer Defined spaces in historic Japan
Introduce ” 男色, definition
Paganist cultures readily accept (india), but europe doesn’t「神に近づく行為である女装・男装は厳しく禁じられ」(50)
歴史の中に見られるのは「同性間性愛」ではあっても、それは人の性的指 向を異性愛か同性愛かと固定的・対立的にとらえる概念である「同性愛」とは似て非なるものであると主張する。
Internesting point: Mitsuhashi, 4 categories of 男色; first three shown in history, last only modern. But last is what western though considers “gay”
Developing: 陰間茶屋 - Wikipedia during edo period MJ
Opposite of what a western historical record of queer of identity is: We the other victorians: brother and mental hospitals, taboo, nonexistence, silence.
Bringing in western thought caused “GID illness” “law & punishment ”
Modern Japan: Spaces and identity
Point: bringing in identity is inapplicable:
Sumiko: GID? no, just lesbian
Gengoroh: sex, not love. (danshoku-style)
Point: Interaction between spaces and identity. Space has always been available in Japan, not as oppositions to the mainstream but part of it.
Self-identity is defined through spaces (US) vs. spaces define self-identity (japan
See goldfinger vs grammy tokyo conflict . It’s because you’re living as a man you’re not allowed, not because you are existentially a man.
Reason out more: Queer defined spaces in modern japan—Conflict is between spaces in japan, and identity in the US.
Advertising of sexuality as “inherent” in the US for acceptance vs. Separation of spaces in Japan for acceptance
Desire as the fundamental element of japanese queer-ness (as opposed to what is correct/moral/ethical)
Buddhism & shinto doesn’t anti-trans (三橋:「日本はトランスジェンダーとして天国」)