

  • Construction of sexual spaces and identity in pre-modern history
    • point: Japan has spaces, US has identity
    • U.S. construction through law
    • Japan (edo period ← pre-modern precursor)
      • construction of 男色
      • Kabuki, etc.
    • Yue & Leung’s etymology suggest tradition vs society here, the western perspective. Mitsuhashi says it’s imported.
  • Reification of desire into a clash of spaces/identity
    • Queer Defined spaces in historic Japan
      • Introduce ” 男色, definition
      • 双性原理–religious
      • Paganist cultures readily accept (india), but europe doesn’t「神に近づく行為である女装・男装は厳しく禁じられ」(50)
      • 歴史の中に見られるのは「同性間性愛」ではあっても、それは人の性的指 向を異性愛か同性愛かと固定的・対立的にとらえる概念である「同性愛」とは似て非なるものであると主張する。
        • Internesting point: Mitsuhashi, 4 categories of 男色; first three shown in history, last only modern. But last is what western though considers “gay”
      • FTM
      • Developing: 陰間茶屋 - Wikipedia during edo period MJ
    • Opposite of what a western historical record of queer of identity is: We the other victorians: brother and mental hospitals, taboo, nonexistence, silence.
    • Bringing in western thought caused “GID illness” “law & punishment
  • Modern Japan: Spaces and identity
    • Point: bringing in identity is inapplicable:
      • ^0212a3
        • Sumiko: GID? no, just lesbian
        • Gengoroh: sex, not love. (danshoku-style)
    • Point: Interaction between spaces and identity. Space has always been available in Japan, not as oppositions to the mainstream but part of it.
      • Self-identity is defined through spaces (US) vs. spaces define self-identity (japan
        • See goldfinger vs grammy tokyo conflict. It’s because you’re living as a man you’re not allowed, not because you are existentially a man.
      • Reason out more: Queer defined spaces in modern japan—Conflict is between spaces in japan, and identity in the US.
        • Advertising of sexuality as “inherent” in the US for acceptance vs. Separation of spaces in Japan for acceptance
  • Desire as the fundamental element of japanese queer-ness (as opposed to what is correct/moral/ethical)
    • Buddhism & shinto doesn’t anti-trans (三橋:「日本はトランスジェンダーとして天国」)