- Establishing causality
- does “policy/behavior/program → outcome”?
- X→Y?
- Challenges
- Is it random noise?
- Are there exogenous factors?
- X is endogenous if X correlates with ϵ (error)—non-causal, lurking variable
- X is exogenous if X doesn’t correlation with ϵ—likely causal
- Regression Analysis: Yi=β0+β1Xi+ϵi
- β0: intercept. Less interesting
- β1: slope. More Interesting
- X: independent variable
- Y: dependeng variable
- ! be careful…
- Correlation = Causation
- A higher slope doesn’t mean higher correlation; a higher Correlation coefficient (ρ=σXσYσXY) does mean higher correlation.
- Statistical Significance = Real-life Effects