Perfomance measurement: Execution Time and Throuput/Bandwidth. (Decreasing execution time always improves thruput) And intuitively performance is inversly related to execution time: .
Measuring Performance
- Program Execution Time (is the sum of…)
- CPU Time (e.g. 10 picoseconds)
- User CPU Time
- System CPU Time
- I/O Time
- CPU Time (e.g. 10 picoseconds)
- Clock Cycle (= tick, clocks, cycles) e.g. one tick on this CPU is 250 picoseconds.
- Instruction Count: Number of instructions in a program.
⇒ Clock Per Instruction (CPI) / IPC (Instructions Per Clock)
The Three Factors of Performance: Clock Rate / Instruction Count / CPI
\text{Performance}= \frac{\text{Seconds}}{\text{Program}}\\=\frac{\text{Instructions}}{\text{Program}}\times \frac{\text{Clock Cycles}}{\text{Instruction}}\times \frac{\text{Seconds}}{\text{Cycle}}\\\\
=\text{Instruction Count} \times \text{CPI} \times \text{Clock Rate}
List of Common Misconcpetions Performance
Improving one aspect doesn’t improve overall performance porportionally
Amdahl’s Law:
→Some perfomance targets are impossible with partial improvements. See example on p.50.