def. Arbitrage Portfolio. Portfolio with value at time is an arbitrage portfolio if:
Alternatively we can define it as:
def. Law of One Price (LOP). Two portfolios with the same future value must have the same value to begin with. if time then:
thm. (Arbitrage is equivalent to LOP) If there is no arbitrage portfolio, then the law of one price holds.
Proof. Contrapositive: If law of one price doesn’t hold, there is an arbitrage portfoilo. Let portfolios such that
Then construct the following new portfolio that:
- Long position on
- Short position on Then
- At time , value is
- At time , value is
- The cash investments are risk free, thus this is determined.
- Therefore this portfolio is an arbitrage portfolio.■
One can similarly prove the other way. Thus LOB is equivalent to No Arbitrage condition.