- Growth of GDP is exponential since the Industrial Revolution
- Growth Rate is always quoted as the exponential growth rate eg
- Growth rate itself is mostly constant
- Predicting growth into the future: Yt−n⋅en⋅g=Yt
- Adding growth rates: gx=gy+gz
e.g. Ynominal=Price Level⋅Yreal
⇒ gYnominal=gprice level+gYreal
- Dividing growth rates: ga=gb−gc
e.g. GDP per Capita=populationY
⇒ gGDP per Cap.=gY−gpopulation
- function of growth rate:
let A=f(B) then ga=∂B∂A⋅f(B)B⋅gb
e.g.2. Y=KαN1−α ⇒ elasticity gY=αgα+(1−α)gN