How to calculate the future value of some cash.
- A dollar now is worth more than a dollar tomorrow.
- Can be denoted in basis points as well.
- Reverse of Present Value Calculations
- : periods per year
- : duration (in years)
- : number of compounding periods.
- : Present value = Principal = Amount lent/borrowed at time
- : Future Value = Amount at time
- : annual interest
- : Interest Rate
- Banker’s Rule is a common way to simplify math calculations.
- .
def. Simple Interest ⇒ Only principal is invested at the end of each year
def. Compound Interest Divide into periods per year, and compound for periods:
Divide into periods per year, and compound for years (equivalent formula):
⇒ Conceptual Demonstration of Compounding Interest:
def. Continuous Compounding Compound for years (equivalent formula):
⇒ You can get this formula from compound interest and setting
def. Fractional Compounding
⇒ You can do things like ” of daily compounding.”
For a fixed , is monotonic for . ⇒ Proof in slides. (Using binomial expansion)