LL Parsing

def. Parsing. Left-to-Right, Left-most derivation Parser with lookaheads.

alg. Given CFG , parsing occurs in the following steps:

  1. Create the sets for each of the each of the variables in the grammar.
    1. is the set of terminals (including ) that can lead the string derived.
      • Created by checking the variable on the left side of the production: . Common sense will be enough.
      • Don’t forget the check variables that go to i.e. disappear. is only included in the FIRST set if the whole variable can disappear to .
    2. is created by checking the variable on the right side of the production: .
      • The start variable always has the $$$ symbol in its follow set.
      • Use the first sets to make life simpler. is always removed.
  2. Create the parse table.
    1. For each variable, check the rules.
    2. There must be an entry for every element of the first set. check which rule makes the most sense [= FIRST set of the RHS of the rule is the lookahead symbol]
    3. If FIRST set includes a (and the variable can goto) , ⇒ There must be a entry for every element of the follows set…
    4. …however, if the FIRST set includes a but the variable cannot goto , find another rule that makes sense to put there.
  3. Use the table to do the necessary steps for parsing the string.


LR Parsing

def. Parsing. Left-to-Right, Right-most Reverse derivation parser with lookaheads.

alg. Given CFG , parsing occurs in the following steps:

  1. Set up the grammar so that it’s ready to parse:
    1. Change the start symbol to . This is rule #0.
    2. Number the rules through .
  2. Calculate the FIRST and FOLLOW sets of variables.
  3. Construct a parsing DFA in the following steps:
    1. The start state has rule number 0 and rules for . Place markers () in the beginning.
    2. For each rule, “process” one symbol at a time. Processing means that to transition to another state… …with arc labeled *symbol …*to create a new state with the marker jumped over that symbol.
    3. You have a new state with one rule that has the jumped marker. Now, add to the state the closure of that rule. The closure of a rule is calculated as such:
      1. If the marker is in front of a variable, the derivation rules for that variables is included
      2. if the market is in front of a terminal, don’t do anything
  4. Construct a Parsing table from the DFA to use during parsing:
    1. Do the following for every state of the DFA [=every row of the parse table]:
      1. For every transition arc, put an entry in the table, for that state number and arc label:
      2. If it’s just a transition arc, put a “shift to state #” or sN
      3. If it’s a final state, only the entries for the elements of FOLLOW should be populated; put a “reduce by rule number #” or rN and the rule number is the rule of the state (since it’s a final state, there should be only one rule)
      4. If it’s a final state but its rule is , it’s special; only populate the “$” entry. put a “accept” or acc in that place.
      5. If the state contains a -rule,** then always put a “reduce by rule #” or rN, where the rule number is that lambda rule ← this should be in the **“$” column**
