(DevonThink) Sen,Equality
- Equity is about asking “what should be equal?”
- Libertarians: Equality of Rights
- Utilitarians: Equal Weighting of Utility
- Progressive Taxation: Equality of Need Satisfaction
- etc.
- ⇒ The question then becomes: “Equality of What?”
- Pursuit of equality in one domain often damages another domain
- ⇒ arguments are often in the form of “Inequality in space A is acceptable, because it increases equality in space B.”
- Common framing is between equality and liberty
- e.g. left: equality in needs. right: liberty and freedom
- This is the wrong framing because there are lots of other candidates anyways
- Alternative framing: Efficiency (Statistics)
- Efficiency of utility ⇒ Pareto Optimum
- Efficiency of liberty ⇒ Libertarian Government
- etc.