Review and check your Statuses

About this file

This file was created by the Obsidian Tasks plugin (version 6.2.0) to help visualise the task statuses in this vault.

If you change the Tasks status settings, you can get an updated report by:

  • Going to Settings -> Tasks.
  • Clicking on Review and check your Statuses.

You can delete this file any time.

Status Settings

These are the status values in the Core and Custom statuses sections.

Status SymbolNext Status SymbolStatus NameStatus TypeProblems (if any)
/xIn ProgressIN_PROGRESS

Loaded Settings

These are the settings actually used by Tasks.

flowchart LR

classDef TODO        stroke:#f33,stroke-width:3px;
classDef DONE        stroke:#0c0,stroke-width:3px;
classDef IN_PROGRESS stroke:#fa0,stroke-width:3px;
classDef CANCELLED   stroke:#ddd,stroke-width:3px;
classDef NON_TASK    stroke:#99e,stroke-width:3px;

1["'Todo'<br>[ ] -> [x]<br>(TODO)"]:::TODO
2["'Done'<br>[x] -> [ ]<br>(DONE)"]:::DONE
3["'In Progress'<br>[/] -> [x]<br>(IN_PROGRESS)"]:::IN_PROGRESS
4["'Cancelled'<br>[-] -> [ ]<br>(CANCELLED)"]:::CANCELLED
1 --> 2
2 --> 1
3 --> 2
4 --> 1

linkStyle default stroke:gray